Charging Infrastructure

What is Charging-as-a-Service (CaaS) and how can it add value to your growing EV fleet?

For fleets transitioning to electric vehicles (EVs), the challenge lies not only in incorporating new types of vehicles into existing operations but in managing the charging logistics that come with it. Enter Charging-as-a-Service (CaaS), a comprehensive solution designed to simplify and optimize your electrification journey. But what exactly is CaaS, and how is it revolutionizing the management of EV fleets?

Understanding Charging-as-a-Service

Charging-as-a-Service is a comprehensive solution designed to simplify the complexities of EV charging infrastructure for fleet operators. It goes beyond merely building the charging infrastructure on a fleet’s property; it encompasses the entire ecosystem required to keep an EV fleet running efficiently. CaaS typically includes the installation, maintenance, and management of charging stations, energy management, software solutions, and sometimes even the provision of renewable energy. Think of it as three distinct categories:

  1. Turnkey development services: Comprehensive planning, interconnection, design, and development of EV charging infrastructure on your sites.
  2. Site operations & maintenance (O&M): Day-to-day management of charging operations, including EVSE observability and network monitoring.
  3. Internal Software: A Charge Management System (CMS) that oversees all charging activities from a centralized platform.

The Terawatt CaaS Difference

What sets Terawatt apart is our end-to-end service capability, combining the roles of an EPC firm, a CMS provider, and an O&M provider. 

Swift, Seamless Site Development

Terawatt’s expertise spans the entire spectrum of EV charging infrastructure development. From planning and permitting to energization and construction, our team of specialists ensures your real estate is maximized for EV charging. Leveraging preferential relationships with suppliers and permitting agencies, we expedite procurement timelines, enabling you to get your fleet plugged in swiftly and at lower costs compared to typical EPC firms. Here's a snapshot at the comprehensive list of services this team provides:

  • Environmental and entitlement approvals 
  • Permit processing and expediting
  • Early drawing sets for quicker utility and AHJ engagement and approvals
  • Identification of value engineering opportunities
  • Enhanced construction inspections
  • Standardized project quality controls

Industry-Leading Performance Guarantee

Once your charging hub is up and running, our proprietary Charge Management System and hands-on maintenance program keep your fleet operating at peak reliability. 

Our CMS enables you to monitor charge status, start or stop a charge, minimize energy usage, and streamline scheduling, all from one place. You can also oversee activity for all charging sites — irrespective of vehicle or EVSE type — and integrate your internal business tools.

The on-site maintenance program consists of spare parts management, on-site repairs, and end-to-end EVSE repair and warranty management — plus a 24/7 technical support team that performs root cause analyses to diagnose technical issues and provide clear resolution pathways.

Access and Scalability

As your fleet grows, expand and maximize truck usage by unlocking easy access to the rest of the Terawatt charging network. With locations across the country’s near primary ports, warehousing hubs, rail yards, and highway corridors, Terawatt enables you to combine onsite and offsite charging to keep your trucks on the road longer.

Flexible Pricing to Minimize Capex

Our pricing models are designed to accommodate whatever works best for your business — all with the aim of reducing your capex commitment as much as possible and converting it to a monthly opex fee.


Charging-as-a-Service is more than just a convenience; it's a strategic asset for businesses operating EV fleets. By simplifying the complexities of charging infrastructure and offering a comprehensive, scalable, and cost-effective solution, CaaS is paving the way for a greener, more efficient future in fleet management.